Resulting from decades of experience with Enterprise Architect, LemonTree, Lemon.Connect, LemonTree.AutomationEmbedded Engineer are four plug-and-play products that will make your job much easier, faster, and more streamlined. Lieber Lieber


Managing different versions of the same model. LemonTree is the Plug & Play model versioning tool (Diff & Merge) that revolutionizes the work of a distributed modeling team and supports compliance with required standards such as ISO 26262.

Lieber Lieber  LemonTree

Embedded Engineer

Embedded Engineer combines automated source code generation with model-level debugging.


LemonTree.Connect allows users to synchronize requirements, model attributes, and links and references between ALM Tools and Enterprise Architect. This makes it even easier to navigate back and forth between two platforms while the development data is automatically synchronized.

LemonTree Automation

LemonTree Automation is a server-based version of LemonTree without user interface. This LemonTree version can automatically compare or merge models. When merging, it will try to automatically merge a given set of models and indicate the success via an exit code.

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