RTOS Awareness

For completing your Integrated Development Environment we offer Real-Time Operating Systems from different manufacturers. The debugger Universal Debug Engine UDE supports the following Real-Time Operation Systems:

PXROS-HR from HighTec EDV Systeme is an object oriented real-time operating system for Infineon TriCore™ and AURIX™ and successor of the original real-time micro-kernel PXROS. PXROS-HR is officially safety approved and certified to be used for safety-related applications up to SIL3 (IEC61508) and ASIL-D (ISO 26262). It improves concepts of encapsulation and robustness by using the hardware protection mechanisms (MPU) of TriCore™ and AURIX™.

UDE Support

With an additional add-on, UDE provides extended functions for software development of highly reliable and safety critical applications, which are under control of the PXROS-HR real-time operating system.

  • Provided as UDE Add-On and extends a UDE basic debugger license
  • PXROS-HR Add-On consists of the PXROS-HR Support Window that provides a comprehensive and detailed view to information about PXROS-HR operating system objects
  • The shown information is directly collected from the target system
  • No additional description file necessary
  • The information that is shown is updated as soon as the target microcontroller enters the HALT state (e.g. at a breakpoint).

Tracing and Virtualization of Tasks and Sequences

For microcontrollers with trace capability the PXROS-HR support of UDE offers also visualization of task and function execution sequences.

SAFERTOS® is a preemptive, pre-certified real-time operating system that delivers unprecedented levels of determinism and robustness to embedded systems. With an imperceptible boot time, SAFERTOS® is the ideal choice for systems that need to respond quickly to safety events, when the system must be placed into a safe state in the shortest possible time. SAFERTOS® is available pre-certified to IEC 61508 SIL 3 and ISO 26262 ASILD by TÜV SÜD.

UDE Support

With an additional add-on, UDE provides extended functions for software development of real-time and safety critical applications, which are under control of the SAFERTOS® real-time operating system.

  • SAFERTOS® support is provided as UDE Add-On and extends a UDE basic debugger license
  • SAFERTOS Add-On consists of the SAFERTOS Support Window that provides a comprehensive and detailed view to information about SAFERTOS® resources and objects
  • The shown information is directly collected from the target system
  • No separate description file or similar is needed
  • Available information depends on particular SAFERTOS® configuration. Configuration is determined at compile time and does not change during run-time.

Tracing and Virtualization of Tasks and Sequences

For microcontrollers with trace capability the SAFERTOS Add-On offers also visualization of task and function execution sequences.

FreeRTOS™ is an open source real-time operating system kernel available for a large number of microcontroller platforms and small devices. The design follows the principle to be small and simple.

UDE Support

With an additional add-on, UDE provides extended functions for software development of real-time critical applications, which are under control of the FreeRTOS™ real-time operating system.

  • FreeRTOS™ support is provided as UDE Add-On and extends a UDE basic debugger license
  • FreeRTOS Add-On consists of the FreeRTOS Support Window that provides a comprehensive and detailed view to information about FreeRTOS™ resources and objects
  • The shown information is directly collected from the target system
  • No separate description file or similar is needed
  • Available information depends on particular FreeRTOS™ configuration. Configuration is determined at compile time and does not change during run-time.

The rcX real-time operating system, which is specifically tailored to the architecture of the Hilscher's netX controllers, is a pre-emptive, multitasking operating system with a very low resources requirement. The rcX add-on for the UDE provides the user with a complete representation of the operating system objects. Own views show the application instances of tasks, queues, mutexes, semaphores, interrupts and UARTS with their characteristics and current status. The active task and the stack utilization of all stacks are recognizable at a glance.

Manufacturer: Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH


  • Pre-emptive Multitasking Kernel
  • Well-crafted Services for Semaphore, Mutex, Event, Message, Queue, Memory, Timer-Objects
  • Dynamic creation of unlimited number of Objects
  • Centralized configuration in one parameter-file
  • Optimized Hardware Abstraction Layer for Arm processors
  • On-Chip-integrated in netX-ROM
  • No royalties on embedded code!

UDE Support

UDE supports the "OS-aware" debugging of the Real Time Operating System (RTOS) rcX and can show all rcX objects with its properties in a plain form.

OSEK (Offene Systeme und deren Schnittstellen für die Elektronik in Kraftfahrzeugen) is a body for standardization of software in automotive embedded systems. OSEK-OS and OSEK-ORTI are parts of OSEK-specific applications.

Manufacturer: various, followers of the OSEK specification


  • OSEK-ORTI specification for communication between OSEK-OS and the debugger.

UDE Support

The UDE OSEK Awareness supports the ORTI task trace and visualization of OSEK-specific information. It consists of a window that shows ORTI variables. Furthermore, there is a backend that configures the ORTI task trace, records and analyses messages as well as exports ORTI task trace data. UDE visualizes the resulting task trace in a GANTT chart

The Keil RTX is a complete real-time kernel. The RTOS' support up to 256 tasks and provides control over semaphores, task signals, message queues, and memory pools. The kernels are designed for Arm and Cortex-M applications that have numerous tasks and many resources to manage.

Manufacturer: Arm Ltd and Arm Germany GmbH


  • Royalty-free, deterministic RTOS with source code
  • Flexible Scheduling: round-robin, pre-emptive, and collaborative
  • High-Speed real-time operation with low interrupt latency
  • Small footprint for resource constrained systems
  • Unlimited number of tasks each with 254 priority levels
  • Unlimited number of mailboxes, semaphores, mutex, and timers
  • Support for multithreading and thread-safe operation
  • Kernel aware debug support in MDK-ARM
  • Dialog-based setup using µVision Configuration Wizard.

UDE Support

UDE supports the "OS-aware" debugging of the Real Time Operating System (RTOS) RTX and can show all RTX objects with its properties in a plain form.

The CMX-RTX™ Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) is a fully preemptive operating system with a powerful set of system functions, very moderate memory requirements and fast system response time.

Manufacturer: CMX Company

CMX-RTX Product Line

  • CMX-RTX™ Real-Time Kernel
  • CMXBug™ Task Level Debugger (in the CMX-RTX package included)
  • CMXTracker™ CMX System activities logger.


  • Preemptive multitasking
  • Scalable execution time
  • Source code included
  • Implemented as C library
  • Very small kernel code (approx. 5 kByte only)
  • Fast context switch and interrupts
  • Task execution management
  • Task communication and synchronization management
  • Handling for dynamically allocated memory objects
  • Timer management
  • FREE System Level Debugger CMXBug™
  • Compiler support: KEIL, Tasking
  • No royalties on embedded code!

Nucleus PLUS for C167 or TriCore is a portable, scalable, well-documented and robust Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) for time-critical applications running on C167, TriCore, Arm, PowerPC microcontrollers.

Manufacturer: Mentor Graphics Corp.

Nucleus Product Line

  • Nucleus PLUS Real-Time Kernel
  • Nucleus DBUG+ Task Level Debugger for Nucleus PLUS.


  • Preemptive multitasking
  • Scalable execution times
  • No interrupt locking for task switches
  • Source code included
  • approx. 95% written in ANSI-C
  • Implemented as C library
  • Small kernel code (21-45 kByte)
  • Task execution management
  • Task communication and synchronization management
  • Handling for dynamically allocated memory objects
  • Timer management
  • Opt.: System Level Debugger DBUG+
  • Compiler support: Tasking
  • No royalties on embedded code!

UDE Support

UDE supports the "OS-aware" debugging of the Real Time Operating System (RTOS) Nucleus and can show all Nucleus objects with its properties in a plain form. In the summary presentation the Nucleus objects are grouped, in order to give to the user a simple and fast overview.

The basis for the Nucleus add-on form is the UDE object model, which provides application-referred data such as variables and memory contents. For the transmission of relevant data the default debug communication channel is used. Beside the preferred JTAG communication interface the ASC-, SSC- or CAN- interface can be used too. This solution participates from the advantage, that for the RTOS visualization no dedicated interface must be reserved and this thus can be used without reservation by the user application.

µC/OS-II, the Real-Time Kernel is a portable, ROMable, scalable, preemptive real-time, multitasking kernel for microprocessors and microcontrollers. µC/OS-II can manage up to 63 application tasks.

Manufacturer: Micriµm


  • Semaphores
  • Event Flags
  • Mutual Exclusion Semaphores (to reduce priority inversions)
  • Message Mailboxes and Queues
  • MISRA C Compliance
  • Source Code included
  • Task Management (Create, Delete, Change Priority, Suspend/Resume etc.)
  • Fixed Sized Memory Block management
  • Time Management
  • No royalties on embedded code!

PXROS stands for Portable eXtendable Realtime Operating System. PXROS is a sophisticated Real-Time Operating System ported to run on ST10, TriCore or Arm microcontrollers. PXROS allows you to design modern, object-oriented applications with independent tasks and associated handlers for high priority actions.

Manufacturer: HighTec EDV Systeme

PXROS Product Line

  • PXROS Real-Time Kernel
  • PXmon / PXmon-RT Task Level Debugger
  • PXcal CAN Application Layer Functionality
  • PXfile DOS / UNIX file system
  • PXtcp TCP / IP functionality.


  • Pre-emptive multitasking
  • Scalable execution time
  • No interrupt locking for task switches
  • Implemented as C library
  • Small kernel code (7..14 kByte)
  • Task execution management
  • Task communication and synchronization management
  • Handling for dynamically allocated memory objects
  • Timer management
  • Exception handling supported
  • Powerful product line for PXROS optional
  • Compiler support: GNU, Tasking.

The OSE166 Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) is a fully pre-emptive operating system for C16x, ST10, TriCore and Arm, PowerPC microcontrollers. The kernel shows excellent performance due to its optimized handling of interrupts, dispatches and memory allocation.

Manufacturer: Enea OSE Systems AB

OSE Product Line

  • OSE Real Time Operating System.
  • OSE Simulator.
  • OSE System Level Debugger.


  • Pre-emptive multitasking
  • Scalable execution time
  • No interrupt locking for task switches
  • Basic set of 6 system calls, sufficient for the majority of applications
  • Full compatible with other kernels in the OSE family
  • Very compact kernel code (6 kByte only)
  • Four different types of OSE processes to meet different system requirements
  • Timer management
  • OSE interprocess communication management
  • Handling for dynamically allocated memory objects
  • Automatic error handling supported
  • Opt.: Simulator and System Level Debugger
  • Compiler support: Tasking.

embedded debugger UAD

embedded debugger UAD